All styles will preserve the order in which you selected your clips.
As long as you have added a sufficient number of clips in relation to the length of your song... You first clip will appear first and your last clip will appear last.
Though every style is different, Our clip ring (which suggests a minimum amount of clips to add) is based on averages, so faster transition styles will likely require more clips than is recommended by the clip ring to avoid "recycling".
What is recycling? Currently, the length of your clips are determined by the speed and intensity of your song, algorithmic cuts are made and transitions are set to change every 4, 8 or 16 beats, to match the audio of your track.
E.g If a clip is 30 secs long, it may be cut into 3x 10 second clips and only use one throughout your video. However if you have not added sufficient clips to cover the length of your song, the engine will have to use cuts from existing
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